A wonderful co-worker of mine lives solidly inside of the FoxNews bubble, and looked at me today in utter astonishment that I would even consider voting for a "socialist" like Obama. Apparently he said something off-the-cuff at a campaign stop about helping those less fortunate than the person asking him the question. Commie wealth redistribution!
Meanwhile, Obama has just rolled out some new planks to his economic policy, one of which effectively gives a $3,000 tax break to encourage/reward job creation. Which puts McCain in the awkward position (is there any other position for this sad man any longer?) of arguing against small business tax cuts while lamely trying to accuse Obama of being a profligate tax-and-spend communist.
Here's the problem with that line of attack. We just witnessed a Republican administration, backed by the GOP presidential candidate, shove through a $700B+ piece of legislation that effectively creates a quasi-nationalist banking system in this country. We also just witnessed trillions of dollars worth of stock disappear over the course of several days after the fruits of the Deregulation Era ripened - then blackened rather quickly. How do you expect the voting public to think of the modest-by-comparison Obama policy proposals as excessive at this point in history? It is not the best time to disingenuously trot out an obviously ridiculous fiscal constraint message. In other words, it's a good time to be a liberal, which hasn't been true for a long, long time.
Am I nervous that this pendulum-swing toward a new New Deal era of poorly-designed social/fiscal engineering projects will haunt us for the next several election cycles? Of course I am. I did name my blog persona after Adam Smith, after all. But I'd rather see well-meaning liberals seize control of the reins for a bit, while the GOP flushes itself of the theocratic toxins that have devoured it like a cancer for the past 8 years. And yes, that's exactly what I have every reason to believe Barack Obama is - a well-meaning liberal who probably puts a little too much stock in government programs but nonetheless believes wholeheartedly in the American dream, and encourages people to find the strength inside themselves to chase it.
(Yes, I actually like Air Supply.)
Wow,Who is so rich?!
Posted by: handbags2006 | Friday, October 08, 2010 at 04:33 PM
And I am concerned that the U.S. stock market in the pricture scene is my dream!
Posted by: Merchant | Saturday, October 16, 2010 at 04:15 PM