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Wednesday, May 30, 2007


North Dallas Thirty

One, congratulations.

Two, at least you know you're delusional and are choosing to stay that way. :)

And, in my experience with gay coupling, including my own, those who nail Two are the ones who keep receiving One year after year after year after.....


As one of your ex's...(it feels weird to even say that)I could tell a few months ago that this day might come. I am so happy for you and only a little hurt that you didn't have him call to ask my approval. Best to both of you and should you ever find yourselves down this way...which, I know you won't until you force the snake's grip of the city off you, you can always stay with us. I can't wait to see you two.."together"..i'm sure i'll barf and then smile..

Just like eating ecstacy. wow.

now...come here...

come here...

I have something to show you...



Much love and strength for whatever the future may hold.



I do love reading when other folks are so obviously enamored with each other, epecially considering the trepidation we learn from bad experiences.

Although my bad experiences were all with girls, so in my case I got lucky with the first man I fell in love with.

Congrats, and I expect a picture posted when you go together to buy curtains. lol

Michael S

As much as I want to find something sardonic and funny to say, I find your words melting my resolve, making me feel warm all over. I wish you all the happiness you so richly deserve, and for which, up 'til now, you have tried so hard to avoid.



Best of luck to you.


Hooray! Congratulations. I just had the dreaded b-word conversation this weekend with the boy I like. It all went well.

You guys will do great. Once one of you has clogged the toilet and the other one has to plunge it, you'll really be a couple...

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