Andy Towle reports that Macy's has buckled to pressure from an anti-gay group by removing the mannequins shown here from their Boston Pride display. Andy and The Malcontent were nice enough to post the email addresses of two customer service flacks for Macy's, so I jotted them a little note:
To: [email protected], [email protected]
Re: Macy's anti-gay statement
Christine and Ronnie,
Many of us in the online world were disheartened to read about you buckling to special interest pressure from an anti-gay group by removing two male mannequins from one of your Boston store windows. Apparently a small minority of your customers found two plastic male figures with ideal body types "disgusting", but I can assure them, and you, that as department store windows go this one was a lot less disgusting than many that I have been forced to endure. Not only does this send a very dangerous "fuck you" to what could arguably be one of your most desirable shopper demographics, but displays a total inability to distinguish right from wrong, and common sense from asinine bigotry.
You are most likely being flooded with emails right now. I do hope you take the time to read each one (since it is your job) and think very carefully about the nature of a department store window, whether it be a presitigous luxury store or a low-end one like yours. Two words: Simon Doonan. It's a department store window, for goodness sake, which ranks just under an actual gay pride parade as one of the gayest things in the universe. Seriously, were you drunk when you made this decision?
I don't shop at Macy's, we have much better stores in New York, but I'll be sure to spread the word about this throughout the internet and via my vast gay word of mouth network to make sure that no one I know does either.
Warm regards,
Macy's: For heaven's sake don't ever shop there. I was ini there some years ago to buy sheets, and bought around forty dollars worth. The clerk convinced me to set up a Macy's charge account - she said they get some kind of boon whan they do that, so I did. I'm blind with the small print they put on the backs of these "contracts" so she explained the details saying it was just like American Express. I trusted her, but she had no idea she was working for Satan.
I paid the bill late, so they added 20 bucks as a late fee. I paid them sixty, and since they got the sixty late, they kept billing me on the late fees. It's been years now, the late fees on the late fees have piled up. I got phone calls, threatening letters, ugly bill collectors calling me at home, and still they call. This is illegal, yet they do it. Be warned: there is nothing nice about Macy's; not a damn thing, not even their stupid parade. You know, the one with balloons that fall down and kill people?
Posted by: Michael S | Wednesday, June 07, 2006 at 03:59 PM
I've tried shopping there - apparently getting one of their cards is one of the best ways to start a credit rating in the US - but just stepping into that perfume and make-up area is bewildering. There are no maps, no clear indications as to how to get to where you want to, just too many clerks with noxious perfume bottles and lipstick. Those people scare me.
Posted by: Gunn | Tuesday, June 20, 2006 at 07:56 PM