This story is way too absurd to not be real. I suppose if your last name means shit anyway, the name change wouldn't bother you. (Thanks to the reliably offensive Rocco for this)
Out of curiousity, I started to wonder what the etymology of the word 'faggot' as a gay slur was. I knew that the term meant 'bundle of sticks', but had no idea how disturbing the connection was:
In the inquisition of Europe, when witches were being burned, among those sought out for burning were gay people. They were required to gather the very "bundles of sticks" (the real meaning of a faggot) with which they would be burnt. When the faggots (sticks) were running out, gay men were thrown on the fire to keep it going for the witches.
That's right, kids, we were only good enough to keep the flames going for the witches. I suppose that might have something to do with the idea that we are 'flaming' as well, right? Get it? Because they used us as firewood!! Rimshot!
Anyway, there's your depressing word lesson for the day. Kind of makes the story above less funny.
Wait, no it doesn't.
BREAKING NEWS: Average Gay Joe points out that my source seems to be peddling a gay urban legend (perhaps looking at more than one Google find would be useful for me in the future.) It seems unlikely that the gays as kindling story has any legs. According to Wikipedia, the probable root of the slur is equally as interesting, though (and not so surprising):
It is more likely this use of faggot was originally a derogatory term for street prostitutes, female and male, because they were associated with "the gutter", where "faggot-ends" of meat were thrown by butchers. The term "faggot girls" for prostitutes is attested from the late 19th century. Often perceived still as gender traitors, homosexual men are still often spoken of as "girls," and there were probably a number of male prostitutes at the same time refered to as "faggot boys". In either case, it would be a short leap from "faggot girl" meaning "prostitute" to "faggot" meaning "sodomite"—probably starting with male prostitutes who tend to serve primarily or exclusively male customers.
This doesn't strike me as anything to be particularly ashamed of (a girl's gotta work), so maybe we should reappropriate the term after all. It also feeds very well into the great conversation I am having with Jack Malebranche over at The Conjecturer about gender identity and homosexuality.
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